Our hepatologists give Grand Rounds presentations to medical staff on liver and transplant-related topics. New videos will be added to the playlist after the lectures.
Featured Videos
Criteria for Simultaneous Liver and Kidney Listing
Hepatology Lecture Series Criteria for Simultaneous Liver and Kidney Listing | Neha Garg, MD
Advanced Heart Failure
Advanced Heart Failure Lecture | Michael Pham, MD, MPH and Brian Sheridan, MD
Hepatitis E: Is it a Concern in the U.S.?
Hepatitis E: Is it a Concern in the U.S.? | Tim Davern, MD
Medical Evaluation of the Live Transplant Candidate
Medical Evaluation of the Live Transplant Candidate | Edward W. Holt, MD
Liver Transplant for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Liver Transplant for Alcoholic Liver Disease | Courtney Sherman, MD
Non-transplant Surgery in Patients with Cirrhosis
Non-transplant Surgery in Patients with Cirrhosis | Garrett Hisatake, MD
Liver Transplantation for Cholangiocarcinoma
Liver Transplantation for Cholangiocarcinoma | Kidist Yimam, MD
Y-90 Radioemblization for HCC
Hepatology Lecture Series Y-90 for Radioembolization for HCC | Dare Olorunsola, MD